The Work

ASEAN Exchanges

ASEAN Exchanges

ASEAN Exchanges - what's trending in the ASEAN financial world.
Creative Commons Malaysia

Creative Commons Malaysia

Creative commons. Share. Reuse. Remix.
Extreme 16

Extreme 16

Odyssey Bus Company

Odyssey Bus Company

XM Malaysia

XM Malaysia

Scientists in the highly theoretical world of branding and communication have synthesised a new communication element - Expandium.
Dooodolls: The prehistory of the Dooos

Dooodolls: The prehistory of the Dooos

Interact with each and every one of these sometimes cute, often twisted little creatures in order to solve a series of puzzles.
Coke Zero

Coke Zero

Me and the other cokes were just chillin' when along came this dude dressed in a space suit made entirely out of Coke Zero cans.
Clipsal – Premise Gateway, Sales Presentation

Clipsal – Premise Gateway, Sales Presentation

A series of sales videos developed for Clipsal Hong Kong and Australia.
Thru the lenz

Thru the lenz

Malaysia's first night photography competition.

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